Category: Health & Medical

Texas To Begin Construction This Year On Seven New Psychiatric Hospital Projects

Texas is embarking on a $1.5 billion initiative to expand and modernize its psychiatric hospital system, aiming to address the growing mental health crisis. The plan includes constructing seven new facilities, including major projects in Amarillo, Lubbock, Terrell, Wichita Falls, Harlingen, and San Antonio, as well as expanding existing centers. These efforts are intended to enhance access to mental health professionals and high-quality treatments for Texans, particularly those involved in the criminal justice system or awaiting intensive psychiatric care.

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Keep Your Family Safe From Ticks

As warmer weather increases tick activity in Texas, Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service urges outdoor enthusiasts to be vigilant. With 11 tick species in the state, including those that can transmit diseases like Lyme and Alpha-gal syndrome, precautions such as wearing light-colored clothing and checking pets and oneself after outdoor activities are essential. Keeping outdoor areas neat and consulting veterinarians for pet tick prevention can further reduce risks associated with these blood-feeding pests.

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Making The Most Of A Trip To The Farmers Market

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service highlights the benefits of shopping at local farmers markets, including access to fresh, in-season produce that often tastes better and lasts longer. They also emphasizes the importance of supporting local agriculture and being an informed consumer by asking questions about the origin and safety of the products, as well as understanding the rules and regulations that sellers must follow.

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Chigger Season Tips To Beat The Itch

Chiggers, the tiny pests causing big itching trouble, are on the rise as summer approaches, warns entomologist Bryant McDowell. With their knack for settling in tight clothing areas and moist spots, they inject saliva into the skin, triggering allergic reactions. To dodge their misery, shower promptly after outdoor activities, wear long clothing, and use repellents like DEET or sulfur powder.

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