Bellville Voters have cast their ballots, and the results are in. Propositions A and B, which were up for consideration in the Bellville Independent School District, have been approved by the community. Here is the election breakdown:

For Proposition A, there were a total of 1,735 votes in favor and 1,282 votes against. The breakdown of votes is as follows:

Absentee: 20 votes for and 31 votes against.
Early voting: 997 votes for and 630 votes against.
Election day: 718 votes for and 621 votes against.

For Proposition B, the results showed 1,636 votes in favor and 1,357 votes against. The vote breakdown is as follows:

Absentee: 22 votes for and 29 votes against.
Early voting: 959 votes for and 659 votes against.
Election day: 655 votes for and 669 votes against.



With the passage of these props, here is what will happen.

Proposition A: sought $52.5 million in bonds to fund several critical projects throughout the district. These projects included the construction of a new junior high school and renovations to improve facilities like West End Elementary, O’Bryant Primary School, and Bellville High School. Additionally, the proposition outlined plans to transform Bellville Junior High School into an intermediate institution and potentially repurpose the existing O’Bryant Intermediate School site for parking and district facilities. The primary objectives of Proposition A were to address safety concerns, reduce reliance on portable buildings, improve traffic and parking flow, upgrade HVAC systems, expand capacity to accommodate student population growth, and modernize older facilities. Notably, Proposition A was projected to garner support without necessitating an increase in the tax rate.

Proposition B:  centered on the district’s ad valorem tax rate. The central proposal was to lower the tax rate from its current $1.13 to $0.97. This proposed change was aimed at facilitating salary increases for teachers within the district.

The passage of these propositions for the Bellville ISD community shows the community’s willingness to invest in crucial infrastructure and support teachers through the revised tax rate. These decisions will have a lasting impact on the district’s educational facilities and the compensation of its educators.



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