Author: Greg Stuessel

Scientists Uncover A Key Factor In Human Brain Development

Scientists at the Texas A&M University College of Medicine have made a breakthrough discovery about the development of the brain. This new information contributes to our understanding of how the part of the brain that makes humans more intelligent than other mammals develops and offers insights into what causes intellectual disabilities, including autism spectrum disorders.

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The Founders Predicted our Economic Crisis

Did Thomas Jefferson call the economic crisis? “Every thing predicted by the enemies of banks, in the beginning, is now coming to pass. we are to be ruined now by the deluge of bank paper as we were formerly by the old Continental paper.” That’s from a letter to Thomas Cooper in January 1814. And while it sure seems to apply today, Jefferson was actually observing – and predicting – the depression of 1815-21, and the Panic of 1819.

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Recent Bellville ISD Safety Committee Meeting Brings Leaders, Teachers, and Law Enforcement Together To Discuss Student Safety

The Bellville ISD Safety Committee brought local leaders, teachers and Law Enforcement together to discuss the safety of the students.  The district released the following document “Efforts to Keep Students and Staff Safe in Bellville ISD” written by Superintendent Dr. Nicole Poenitzsch outlining their plan for the safety of the children.  The text of which can be downloaded and read in this article.

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