Faith Academy held its Annual Veterans Day Program on Monday, 11/7/2016.ย  We would like to extend our appreciation to all of the veterans and families who took time out of their busy schedules to attend.ย  The program was held in the Beth Keaton Gymnasium.ย 


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Our Pre K (Mrs. Shuckโ€™s class) led our Pledge of Allegiance, followed by Maddie Krueger singing the National Anthem.ย  Our 7th grade choir sang โ€œAmericaโ€ and our Elementary led the crowd in โ€œGod Bless Americaโ€.ย  Seniors, Olivia Catlett and Megan Flores shared their Voice of Democracy Speeches with the audience.ย  Megan placed 3rd in the Voice of Democracy oral essay competition.ย  There were 2 Jr High students who read their Patriotโ€™s Pen oral essay as well.ย  ย Emma Grace Fogle(8th grade) and 1st place winner Nathan Figueroa(7th grade).ย  Our speaker for the ceremony was Gold Star Mother, Tracy Rodriguez.ย  We look forward to seeing everyone again next year.ย