Last night’s debate should be proof of how little our Constitution matters to media, parties, and government. It should also prove to us how lacking our candidates are in true Constitutional understanding.

Here is what I suggest a Constitutionally minded candidate would sound like:

Opening statement:

I am not here to make America great. I believe America is great. America is not failing, its public servants have failed America. We have become parties instead of people. We have become government instead of Liberty. We have became the rule of men instead of the rule of law.

I do not have the authority to tell you how to run your lives or your State. I do not have the authority to tell you how to manage your land or your business. I do not have the authority to provide you with any service, comfort, or necessity, and neither does the president of the United States.

With that in mind, if I am elected president I will remove all executive intrusions in the lives, Liberty, and Property of America. I don’t believe that will make America great. I believe the fact that the president has never constitutionally had these powers IS what MAKES America great.

We are a union of States, built by the People, whose central government was designed to be a proper representative to foreign nations, not be a dictator, provider, or nanny. I believe what makes America great is that one day, in 1776, a group of wise and moral people said, “we will no longer be subjects of kings, but freemen in a Constitutional Republic.” What makes America great? We don’t need rulers and we don’t want kings. I simply intend to keep it that way. I will enforce the Supreme Law of the land and preserve the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity.

Now to the questions that I heard last night:

QUESTION: What do you think of Donald Trump?

ANSWER: I believe as a natural born citizen Mr. Trump has every right to want to be and run for President. It is up to the people to look at his life and experiences and determine if they want him to be a reflection of their country and a representative of their culture and Liberty to foreign nations. Morality matters, life style matters. That is why our framers established an age limit for presidents. This is the choice of the people. My input should be irrelevant.


QUESTION: What would you do to control climate change?

ANSWER: I will do the same thing to stop the effects of climate change in America that I can do to stop the effects of climate change on Pluto. As president I have no authority to control the actions of the people or their States and as a human being I have no power to control the climate. I am not God, nor to do I want to be. I believe we all have a responsibility to be good stewards of this earth we have been temporarily allowed to possess. But as president I have no authority to impose my beliefs or standards upon the people of America.


QUESTION: What would you do to ensure that women have access to proper healthcare?

ANSWER: I will end all federal regulatory agencies and cease all federal control over healthcare. I will allow the people through their States to decide what they need and how they will provide it. This removal of federal regulation will restore a prosperity to the people and their States that will allow personal investment and innovation to flourish. Free market, personal choice, and personal control are the way we have become the leader in medicine on this planet. Inserting more government will always have the opposite effect.


QUESTION: How do you feel about gun control?

ANSWER: I am in favor of gun control. I believe the people should always control the number and type of arms their government possesses. I believe the best form of gun control is one that is truly consistent with the 2nd A, wisdom of history, and the intent of our framers; that the government should never out arm the people.


QUESTION: What do you think about the appointment of John Roberts to the Supreme Court?

ANSWER: John Roberts is not the problem. The problem with the Supreme Court is this new American mentality that the Supreme Court is the ultimate ruler of the universe. This errant belief that courts make rulings. Kings make rulings, courts make opinions. This anti-Liberty view that courts make law. That is a per se violation of separation of powers. That, as our framers knew and as Montesquieu stated, is the complete destruction of Liberty. Our framers went to war to be free from kings, they were not so stupid to trade a monarchy of kings for an Oligarchy of Judges. I’m not so sure why we are so stupid to want them now.


QUESTION: How would you respond to the Iran Deal when you become president.

ANSWER: There is no Constitutional authority for the president to make deals. The only authority the president has is to make treaties as long as 2/3 of the senate approve. There is no “Iran Deal” because there is no legal authority for it. It is insulting that we keep debating it as if there is any question. It is illegal. It is unconstitutional. It is a fraudulent contract and has no legal authority.


So…I think you get the drift. I won’t continue for the whole 3 hours of questions. What do you suppose would happen to a candidate who responded like that?  Happy Constitution Day.


KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor, fired after teaching the Constitution to TEA Party groups – she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastor’s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents. KrisAnne Hall does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today. She presents the “genealogy” of the Constitution– the 700 year history and five foundational documents that are the very Roots of American Liberty.