Category: Politics

How About We Call It Quits? No More Forcing 320 Million People Into A Single Mold

For a long time it seemed as if the idea of secession was unlikely to take hold in modern America. And yet all it took was the election of Donald Trump for the alleged toxicity of secession to vanish entirely. The left’s principled opposition to secession and devotion to the holy Union went promptly out the window on November 8, 2016. Today, about one in three Californians polled favors the Golden State’s secession from the Union.

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Who Was the Founding Father of the Fourth Amendment?

February 5 marks the birth of the American who had the greatest hand in what became the 4th Amendment’s prohibition of unreasonable searches and seizures – James Otis. Unfortunately, “one of the most passionate and effective protectors of American rights” is too-little remembered today.

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What Is the Executive Branch’s Authority Over Immigration According To The Constitution? [AUDIO]

Ever since Donald Trump issued his executive order that affects Muslim Immigrants from certain countries, there has been an uproar in the media. Many are asking where in the Constitution does the executive branch have the authority to make policy over immigration? But, the president’s “authority over immigration” is not as simple as saying article, section, clause. It’s a little bit more complicated than that. Constitutional Attorney and Speaker KrisAnne Hall explains the application of the constitution and the determination of what power, if any, the executive branch has over immigration.

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Must We Pick a Side?

“At all times sincere friends of freedom have been rare,” says Lord Acton, “and its triumphs have been due to minorities.” It is not easy in a hugely partisan political environment, but by maintaining your objectivity and principles in these times, you will be in the minority. But you will be a friend of freedom, and you could make all the difference.

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