Category: Politics

Why “One Man, One Vote” Doesn’t Work

The US Senate is increasingly targeted by left-wing think tanks and legislators for the fact it is based on “voter inequality.” According to critics, the Senate ensures small states are “overrepresented,”and the body favors voters in smaller and more sparsely populated states. In contrast, reformers hold up the concept of “one man, one vote” as an ideal and a solution. But, is it?

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Can Americans Resist the Siren Song of “Free” Stuff?

As consumers, people are skeptical. We know that everyone selling anything is probably telling a lie of some kind, or at least stretching the truth to its legal limit. But as voters, our healthy skepticism seems to go right out the window. When politicians promise all sorts of “free” things, it doesn’t occur to many of us that those things can’t possibly be free. It doesn’t occur to us that, like businesses seeking our dollars, politicians will tell us whatever it takes to get hold of our votes.

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