Category: Lifestyles

‘Learn To Live With Ugly’ After Freeze Damage

After a hard freeze, it’s tempting to start pruning damaged plants and cleaning up the garden, but Texas A&M AgriLife expert Michael Arnold advises patience. He emphasizes that cold-sensitive plants can appear dead after a hard freeze but may still recover. Pruning too early can actually harm the plants by removing essential insulation and stimulating new growth that’s vulnerable to further frost damage, so it’s best to wait until the threat of frost has passed and signs of life emerge in the spring.

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Private Water Well Screening Set For Feb. 5 In Bellville And Brenham

The Texas Well Owner Network (TWON) and the Mill Creek Watershed Partnership are organizing a “Well Educated” water well screening event on February 5 in Bellville and Brenham. Texas residents who rely on household wells for their water supply can participate in this program to learn about groundwater resources, septic system maintenance, well construction, and water quality. Water samples will be screened for contaminants, and a follow-up meeting on February 7 will explain the results and offer guidance on well management.

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Cigarette Sales in the US Drop to All-Time Low: A Shift in Smoking Habits

The United States has seen a significant decline in cigarette sales over the past four decades, reaching an all-time low since the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) began tracking them in 1963. Factors contributing to this downward trend include increased public smoking bans, higher taxes on tobacco products, and a growing awareness of the health risks associated with smoking. As a result, the once-glamorous image of smoking has lost some of its allure, and the future of cigarette sales in the United States remains uncertain.

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Prepare For Winter Weather

With sub-freezing temperatures sweeping across Texas, experts from the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service offer valuable advice to protect your plants, pipes, and pets from the cold. Ensure your pets have shelter and clean their paws after contact with salt and deicers. To safeguard your plants, water them before freezing temperatures and cover them adequately; consider moving container plants indoors or placing them in a sheltered location with ample sunlight. Additionally, take preventive measures to protect exposed pipes, including insulation and heat tape, to prevent potential freeze damage to your home.

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