Category: Lifestyles

How To Make Healthy Eating Habits Stick In The New Year

Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service experts offer valuable advice for establishing realistic and sustainable healthy eating goals in the new year. Instead of rigid resolutions, they suggest starting when you feel ready and setting specific, measurable goals. They emphasize mindfulness, considering multiple dimensions of wellness, and building a support system for long-term success in improving your eating habits and overall health.

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Wine Trends To Watch In 2024

The wine industry in Texas is experiencing remarkable growth, driven by an influx of people to the state and increasing domestic wine consumption. Texas now ranks fifth in the United States for wine production, with a significant economic impact of $20.35 billion and nearly 900 wineries. Additionally, the industry is embracing sustainability practices and experimenting with niche wines, such as Sagrantino and orange wine, to cater to evolving consumer preferences for unique tasting experiences and low-alcohol options.

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