Category: International News

China “Refuses” To Hand Over Raw Data On Early COVID Cases To WHO Team

A Wall Street Journal report strongly suggests this first ever and much-hyped WHO trip to ‘get to the bottom’ of the virus’ origins likely didn’t even scratch the surface in terms of a real investigation. When access to the raw underlying data was made, the WHO investigators were rebuffed, essentially being left with only the Chinese scientists’ version of what the data shows. One WHO researcher emphasized in a statement to the WSJ that access to the hard data is standard, but was not followed in this case.

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Religious Books Seized And Burned In Communist China, ‘Believers’ Given Jail Terms

In communist China, practicing a certain faith, printing, or even reading religious books could result in prison terms and abuse. Spiritual believers in China – be it Christians, Buddhists, Uyghur Muslims, or Falun Gong practitioners – are faced not only with brutal suppression or forced-labor terms but also have their religious books burned or trashed at the hands of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

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