Category: Business & Economy

How A Chance Meeting Helped Texas Become the Nation’s Top Beekeeping State

Molly Keck, an entomologist at Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service, shares invaluable insights with aspiring beekeepers in San Antonio, addressing challenges from pollen-patty-eating beetles to the effect of overcast weather on bee behavior. Their enthusiasm reflects a statewide surge in beekeeping sparked by a 2012 Texas law granting property tax cuts to landowners who keep bees, underscoring the vital role these tiny pollinators play in agricultural ecosystems and the innovative solutions emerging in the beekeeping community. Despite facing hurdles like disease management and habitat loss, the beekeeping boom offers hope, bolstered by dedicated professionals like Gary Barber, whose tireless efforts to maintain hives across the state are supported by the transformative policy change.

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Texans Are Falling Behind On Their Light Bills — Especially During Extreme Heat

In the heart of Texas’ oil-rich Permian Basin, Mary Ann Estrella, a 65-year-old veteran, faces the harsh reality of choosing between groceries and electricity bills. Struggling alongside thousands of fellow Texans, she relies on local charities and assistance programs to keep the lights on, highlighting the ongoing challenges within the state’s deregulated energy market and the pressing need for sustainable solutions to support vulnerable communities.

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Plans To Spend Billions On A Flood-Prone East Texas Highway May Not Solve The Problem

Despite ongoing efforts to upgrade U.S. Highway 59 to interstate standards, recurrent flooding in East Texas poses a significant challenge to its role as a crucial evacuation route. With climate change exacerbating extreme weather events, including floods, the efficacy of current improvement plans remains uncertain, prompting calls for enhanced resilience measures and reassessment of infrastructure strategies. As Texas grapples with the need for more robust flood mitigation on this vital transportation artery, the absence of dedicated federal funding further complicates the path forward.

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Texas to Reimburse Landowners For Damages Caused By Border Property Crime

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton unveils a program offering reimbursement to borderland landowners for damages incurred from migrant-related incidents, blaming the Biden administration for lax border policies. Landowners can claim up to $75,000 for damage caused by migrants, smugglers, and traffickers, with a requirement of filing within 90 days of the incident. The initiative, funded by $18 million allocated by the state legislature, aims to alleviate the financial burden on landowners affected by border security challenges.

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New Texas A&M Report Gives Insights On Future Beef, Pork, Chicken Prices

Get ahead of the grill this summer with Texas A&M’s meat price predictions! Their latest report from the Department of Agricultural Economics unveils anticipated changes in beef, pork, and chicken prices, aiding consumers in savvy budget planning for their barbecues. With insights into market trends and seasonal demands, this study ensures your summer cookouts stay deliciously affordable.

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