Category: Agriculture

Walk Across Texas Reports – Week 2

Bellville and Brazos are off and on the go!  This year Brazos ISD has joined the ranks to participate in Walk Across Texas by having 6 adult teams on the south end of the county!! At the end of the 2nd week, several classes are walking full steam ahead in their quest to Walk Across Texas.  To date, the participants and their families have walked 22,505 miles at the end of the 2nd week.  Everyone is cruising right along!

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Austin County To Get New Extension Agent [VIDEO]

Austin County has been without an extension agent since July but, the county will be getting a new agent on December 1, 2017.  Haylee Wolfford, who is currently an extension agent in Hardin County in district 9, will be moving over to Austin County and assuming the duties of the position here. 

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37th Annual Austin County Pecan Show and Bake Show

It’s time once again for all commercial pecan growers and home pecan tree enthusiasts with a few pecan trees to gear up for the 37th Annual Austin County Pecan Show and Bake Show.  Everyone with an interest growing pecans or eating pecans is encouraged to participate.

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