Category: Agriculture

EEA – Winter Gardening Program

The Extension Education Association of Austin County (a direct part of the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service) held their Winter Gardening Program about the best plants to plant during the winter season.

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Historic Midwest Blizzard Has Farmers Seeing “Massive Crop Losses…As Devastating As We’ve Ever Seen”

Many farmers in the middle of the country faced very serious delays in getting their crops planted from horrific flooding early in the year. Now, an unprecedented October blizzard that hit just before harvest time has absolutely devastated farms all across the U.S. heartland. The majority of US crops were still in the fields and in many cases has been declared a total loss. What this means for you is food prices are going to go up. Americans should begin to stock up and get prepared now, because we are facing a major shift from the ripple effect this will undoubtedly leave.

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Midwest Farm Loan Repayment Issues Hit Highest Level Since 1999

A new farm survey by the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago on Thursday detailed farm loans at Midwest banks are having the most repayment difficulties in 20 years. Following six years of falling farm income and rising debt levels, and the recent addition of record floods across the Farm Belt and the trade war between the US and China, a farm crisis on par to the 1980s could be imminent.

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