Early voting commences today for the Bellville Independent School District bond proposals. Residents have the opportunity to decide on significant district development and tax rate changes.

Proposition A seeks $52.5 million in bonds to fund various projects across the district. The proposed projects encompass constructing a new junior high school and renovating facilities such as the West End Elementary, O’Bryant Primary School, and Bellville High School. Additionally, the proposition outlines the transition of Bellville Junior High School into an intermediate institution and the potential conversion of the existing O’Bryant Intermediate School site into parking and district facilities. This proposition aims to address:

  • Safety concerns, including reducing reliance on portable buildings.
  • Traffic and parking flow enhancements.
  • Upgrades to HVAC systems.
  • Capacity expansion to accommodate student population growth.
  • Modernization of older facilities.

It’s worth noting that Proposition A is projected to be supported without an increase in the tax rate.

Proposition B addresses the district’s ad valorem tax rate. The core proposal is to adjust the tax rate from its current $1.13 to $0.97. This change is presented with the intention of supporting salary increments for teachers in the district.

To provide context:

  • School tax rates consist of two components: Interest and Sinking (I&S), which supports new facilities and improvements, and Maintenance and Operations (M&O) for day-to-day operations like salaries and utilities.
  • Proposition A doesn’t propose altering the I&S rate.
  • Proposition B suggests a decrease in the M&O rate by 16.4 cents from the previous year due to tax rate compression.

If both propositions are approved, the total school district tax rate could be 16.4 cents lower than the previous year.

For those seeking detailed information, including on proposed traffic plans, the district’s website, www.bellvilleisd.org, is a resource. For financial queries regarding the propositions, Mr. Dennis Jurek can be contacted at (979) 885-3133.

Early Voting will take place at the Elections Office located at 804 Wendt Street from 8:00am-5:00pm October 23-27 (Monday-Friday), October 30-November 1 (Monday-Wednesday) and Election Day is Tuesday, November 7 from 7:00am-7:00pm.  Residents are encouraged to vote, ensuring the direction of the district reflects the community’s preferences.



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