Author: Greg Stuessel

US Economic Freedom Index Collapses To Carter Admin Levels

The Fraser Institute’s Economic Freedom of the World 2022 report was released this week. This report covers 2020, which, was the year when COVID-19 and COVID lockdowns took place. The global average economic freedom rating fell .16 points in 2020, erasing a decade’s worth of improvements. In short, the United States finished 2020 less economically free than we were at the tail end of the Carter years. 

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Ukraine Retakes Towns Within 50km Of Russian Border Amid Rumors Putin To Issue Full Declaration Of War [VIDEO]

The Ukrainian government is touting a weekend advance in the county’s east at an “astonishing” rate as the major counteroffensive announced by Kiev over a week ago continues. On Saturday the Russian military issued a rare acknowledgement of a “regrouping” of its forces in Kharkiv Oblast. Kiev and its Western backers are taking the statement as an admission of retreat.

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Wallis EDC Awards Grant For Restoration of Historic Downtown Building [VIDEO]

The Wallis EDC approved an economic grant in the amount of $35,000 for reimbursements for renovations of one of the historical buildings in Downtown Wallis.  The building under renovation/restoration is located at 6503 Commerce St., but, locally it is known at the “Coca-Cola Building” because of the red and green advertisement mural painted on the side of the building.  The couple that purchased and are renovating the building plan to turn it into an event venue.

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Satellite Image Reveals ‘Agriculture Wasteland’ Across California’s Rice Capital

New satellite imagery shows a large swath of California’s rice fields has been left barren without harvest as fears of a ‘mini dust bowl’ emerge due to diminishing water supplies. A report via the US Department of Agriculture shows about 300,000 out of the 550,000 acres committed to rice growing in California will go without harvest. This could potentially drive up prices nationwide.

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