Inflammation is the bodyโ€™s natural response to injury or infection, often causing localized redness, swelling, or heat. It possibly causes loss of function of the involved tissues.

If inflammation persists for a prolonged period of time, it becomes chronic inflammation. Chronic inflammation can be the result of an infection, autoimmune reaction, or allergy.

ACBS animated gifThe more progressive side of modern medicine is quickly learning that the root cause of many contemporary illnesses is none other than chronic inflammation, a lingering immune response caused by poor diet and other factors that, if left unchecked, can damage a number of important systems throughout the body.

Your endocrine, central, immune, digestive, cardiovascular, and respiratory systems, to name the most common, are all threatened by chronic inflammation, which ultimately has the potential to manifest itself as literally hundreds of different diseases.

So what can you do to help fight the pandemic tide of chronic inflammation, which is said to be responsible for causing up to 80 percent of all doctor visits in America? ย Organic Healthย has some great natural treatments that science continues to show possess unique anti-inflammatory properties, without causing any harmful side effects:


A powerhouse anti-inflammatory, curcumin is the active ingredient in turmeric, the spice used in curries and other Indian foods and a member of the Ginger family. Research has shown that curcumin is as effective as cortisone for treating arthritis of all kinds. In addition, curcumin lowers cholesterol and improves circulation and digestion. Furthermore, studies looking at food preferences and disease have shown that people whose diets regularly include turmeric have lower rates of breast, colon, lung, and prostate cancer.

Not surprisingly, hundreds of clinical trials have demonstrated curcuminโ€™s ability to lower inflammation on multiple fronts. And researchers point to repeated successes while using curcumin to treat arthritis, allergies, asthma, heart disease, diabetes, cancer, and other chronic conditions associated with aging. I suggest a daily dose of 500 mg as a good place to start. (For an in-depth breakdown of curcumin go HERE).


From ginger ale to gingerbread, the spice ginger is familiar to most of us. Ginger (but, unfortunately, not ginger ale or gingerbread) contains some 500 different substances, and only a few of them have been examined so far for healing properties. Yet, long before science began studying ginger, it was used for medicinal purposes, particularly fighting inflammation. Many arthritis sufferers swear by ginger supplements, and itโ€™s also an effective remedy for motion sickness and other types of nausea.

Gingerโ€™s benefits go way beyond easing motion sickness, though. Studies have shown that it decreases inflammatory substances linked to various cancers, including colorectal and ovarian.

Aย refreshing anti-inflammatory โ€œteaโ€ using hot water, a few slices of ginger root (available in most supermarkets), and raw, organic honey can be a great way to enjoy ginger. Of course, you can also use the spice or fresh root in cooking. Ginger is available in supplement form, too. As always, you should follow the dosage instructions on the product you choose.


Essential Fatty Acids (EFA)

There is a large and impressive body of research showing how beneficial omega-3s are for fighting inflammation. In one recent study, for example, researchers concluded that omega-3s from fish oils were โ€œincredibly potentโ€ anti-inflammatories, capable of warding off diabetes and heart disease. 1,000 mg two times per dayย isย recommend .

To correct the imbalance, you need to do three things โ€” eliminate as many unhealthy oils and foods made with them from your diet as possible; replace those oils with better, omega-3-rich oils (olive oil, grapeseed, avocado oil); and consume more omega-3s, like wild-caught fish or molecularly distilled fish oil supplements. If you opt for supplements, look for a product that contains a healthful balance of the two omega-3s, DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid). The ideal ratio for these nutrients is twice as much DHA as EPA, according to recent research. ย (For an in-depth breakdown of Essential Fatty Acids go HERE.)

Vitamin C

A hardworking antioxidant, vitamin C offers two added bonuses: it helps the body deal with stress, and it boosts the activity of another outstanding anti-inflammatory, vitamin E.

Although other mammals can produce vitamin C in their bodies, humans cannot. Studies have shown that Americans tend to consume far too few vitamin C-rich foods. And doses of vitamin C found in most multivitamins tend to be low, so additional supplements are a good idea. Vitamin C is water-soluble. That means any excess is flushed from the body in the urine and thereโ€™s no danger of overdosing.

Ideally, vitamin C supplements should be taken several times a day to maintain sufficient levels of the nutrient. In addition, you can get extra vitamin C from your diet. Fresh fruits, especially citrus, cantaloupe, berries, and mango, as well as many vegetables contain vitamin C. (For an in-depth breakdown of Vitamin Cย goย HERE.)