Month: February 2018

Surprise: Voters AREN’T More Polarized than Ever, Only Pols and Media Are [VIDEO]

If you listen to the media, we live in the most polarized time since the Civil War. America has sorted into 2 mutual exclusive groups: Democrats & Republicans or liberals & conservatives. And, we agree on absolutely nothing. Without a common culture, the United States is rapidly descending into a war against all and may God have mercy on our souls. Well, not exactly. Americans actually agree with each other on many, if not, most fundamental questions. The polarization that we hear about all the time is largely restricted to political activists and media elites who mistake their own extreme views for the voice of the people. In reality, voters are not more extreme or polarized than in the past. Rather, it is the political parties that have pushed out to the far right and far left and they’re nominating candidates that represent fewer and fewer Americans.

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