The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will hold the East Texas Pasture Management program online Feb. 24 from 8:30 a.m.-3 p.m., with a 90-minute lunch break at 11 a.m.

The cost is $35. Participants must preregister at

Texas Department of Agriculture continuing education units are offered for pesticide applicators. One laws and regulations, one integrated pest management and three general are available. When registering, participants must provide their pesticide applicator license number to earn credits.

Contact Michelle Sensing at [email protected] with questions or for additional information.

AgriLife Extension expert advice

The event is organized by Jason Banta, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension beef cattle specialist, and Vanessa Corriher-Olson, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension forage specialist, both in Overton. Megan Clayton, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension range specialist, Uvalde, will also be speaking.

“Weeds compete with forages like Bahia grass and Bermuda grasses for moisture and nutrients from fertilizer,” Corriher-Olson said. “Their presence can also reduce forage quality. Some weeds are toxic to livestock.”

Corriher-Olson said the best way to beat back weeds is to promote forage growth. It starts with the soil pH balance and fertilizing according to a soil analysis and the needs of desired forages.

Herbicides are an effective option for weed control when applied correctly, she said. Identifying the weed is the most important consideration when applying herbicides.

East Texas pasture management program topics

The following topics will be covered over the course of the virtual program:

  • Drones and Other Spraying Considerations.
  • Laws and Regulations of Pesticide Use.
  • Weed Control in Pastures and Hay Fields.
  • Chemicals and Hormones: Critical for Life.
  • Fertilizer: Best Management and Products Too Good to Be True.
  • Susan Himes is a writer and media relations specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife. She writes news releases and features from science-based information generated by the agency. She also covers human interest stories and events across the state.
  • Floating Vimeo Video