As Texas farmers, ranchers, and agribusiness owners grapple with the aftermath of recent natural disasters, the STAR Fund (State of Texas Agriculture Relief Fund) emerges as a vital source of assistance. Established through the generous monetary contributions from private individuals and entities, the STAR Fund is designed to support disaster recovery efforts across the state’s agricultural sector.
The fund addresses critical needs such as rebuilding fences, restoring operations, and covering other essential agricultural disaster relief costs. However, it is important to note that drought is not covered under the STAR Fund, and those affected by drought should seek assistance from their local Farm Service Agency.


The STAR Fund operates on a cost-sharing basis, providing financial support to qualified agricultural producers who have suffered losses due to wildfires, floods, or tornadoes. To apply for aid, affected parties must submit their applications within 90 days of the Texas Governorโ€™s disaster proclamation for their county. Future disaster declarations will prompt the Texas Department of Agriculture (TDA) and the Texas Agriculture Commissioner to determine if the program should be activated and set specific details such as maximum award amounts.
Commissioner Miller states the importance of supporting Texas agricultural producers, saying, “Every day, we depend on farmers and ranchers to provide our families with the healthy food and warm clothes that sustain our lives, and now is the time for Texas producers to lean on us. This is not a hand out, rather itโ€™s a helping hand. I hope people will take advantage of these funds if you need them.”


The STAR Fund is not intended to replace lost income or compensate for damages but to aid in covering some of the unexpected costs associated with repairing or replacing necessary agricultural equipment and infrastructure. Applicants must provide verification of the disaster-related damage, including photographs and other relevant documentation, to the TDA before funds are disbursed.
For those interested in contributing to the STAR Fund or seeking assistance, more information and the application process can be accessed through the TDA website. Texans are encouraged to support their fellow citizens as they work to rebuild and recover from the challenges posed by natural disasters.


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