A new Blinn College District endowed scholarship has been gifted in memory of Dr. Oscar and Irene Bockhorn.

The $20,000 gift to the Blinn College Foundation will fund scholarships for students planning a career in nursing or first-generation college students.

Irene Bockhorn was a longtime radiologic technologist at Brenham medical facilities and Oscar Bockhorn was a Washington County veterinarian.  Oscar Bockhorn attended Blinn College before earning his Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree at Texas A&M University.

The endowed scholarship was given by their children, Ann (Bockhorn) Berry, Dr. Ken Bockhorn, David Bockhorn, and Don Bockhorn.

“We’re very happy to make a donation to Blinn,” said David Bockhorn. “Our father attended Blinn and was always very proud of the college. He wanted to provide something in his legacy to help future students.”

Blinn Foundation Board Chair Sam Sommer said donations like the one made by the Bockhorn family play an important role in helping students attend college.

“For some students, a college education is out of reach without financial aid,” Sommer said. “The generous donation made by the Bockhorns will help many students reach their career goals. We thank them for their generosity.”



The Blinn College Foundation offers more than 200 endowed scholarships that are available to incoming and returning students from a wide range of backgrounds, majors, and experiences. The tax-exempt organization also provides financial support for programs and activities that enhance the quality of education for Blinn students and expand educational opportunities. The Foundation also looks to heighten community awareness of the mission and accomplishments of the College and to promote excellence in education.

More information on funding an endowed scholarship or applying is available at www.blinn.edu/foundation or by calling 979-830-4017.

Current high school and college students can apply for Blinn scholarships by completing the application at www.blinn.edu/scholarships. Prior to applying for scholarships, students must complete their application for admission to Blinn College at www.applytexas.org.