We are seeing more and more judges assuming a power of ultimate control. I have personally witnessed it myself. I, as recounted on my radio show, recently taught a group where a local judge was present. I was teaching the History of the Constitution and mentioned the history of judicial tyranny. I explained that judges don’t make rulings…kings make rulings. Judges issue opinions and they don’t write law. Therefore, if a judge’s opinion contradicts the Constitution or unjustly takes your Liberty, that judge’s opinion is no more binding upon you than your next door neighbor’s opinion. At that moment, the local judge, got up in a noisy huff, mumbling and disturbing those around him, and left. That judge just classified himself.

We are seeing more and more judges boldly denying people their Liberties; some out of ignorance, some out of arrogance. Case on point: Michigan judge has former pastor arrested for handing out pamphlets to people outside the courthouse. This is already a clear violation of our Liberties, but the reason is even more egregious. The judge didn’t like that this pastor’s pamphlets were educating people on their right to Jury Nullification. The judge said we have no right to question the “rulings” of the court and this pastor was “tampering” with jurors. He was arrested on felony charges and given a $150,000 bond right before Thanksgiving. Let’s ponder that a moment… $150,000 bond and felony charges for handing out pamphlets.

Let me show you how this judge is not only in error but operating as a totalitarian ruler. You not only have the Right to question the courts, you have a duty. Think about it…

  • The government writes the laws.
  • The government enforces the laws.
  • The government prosecutes violations of the law.
  • The government will defend you in these accusations if you can’t afford your own attorney.
  • The government sits in judgement of your case where you are accused by the government regarding laws written by the government and enforced by the government.

You see every single person in this process is paid by the government and considers themselves a government employee.

How can ANY person believe they can have a fair and just trial in a system stacked for the government like that???? NO ONE can expect a fair trial in that kind of system, UNLESS you have a Right to a trial by jury.

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A Right to a trial by a jury of your peers not only allows multiple people to sit in judgement, but it is supposed to remove the government from the judgement process all together! BUT…

When a judge fails to inform a juror of his Right to judge not only the defendant but also the law that the government claims is being violated, then we are back in the system of nothing but government judgement again.

If the government has all the power over the laws, their enforcement, and judgement, no man is free. Because then the government can write, enforce, and judge us guilty of ALL tyrannical laws.

An essential and vital check and balance on government is the juror’s responsibility to look at a law and say,

“Hey, wait a minute. Even if that accused has done EVERYTHING the government claims, that law is unjust and I cannot find the accused guilty. If I find that person guilty of that unjust law, then I could be prosecuted next. That is wrong.”

It is called Jury Nullification. It is not a philosophy or a theory. It is an essential check and balance that has been used throughout history and our framers considered it necessary to the defense of Liberty.

John Adams wrote on Feb 12, 1771:

“It is not only his right but his Duty in that Case to find the Verdict according to his own best Understanding, Judgment and Conscience, tho in Direct opposition to the Direction of the Court.”

John Jay, America’s First Chief Justice under our current Constitution said this in Georgia v. Brailsford, 1794 said this:

“The jury has a right to judge both the law as well as the fact in controversy.”

Isn’t it time we say no to judicial tyranny and start securing our Rights?


KrisAnne Hall is an attorney and former prosecutor, fired after teaching the Constitution to TEA Party groups โ€“ she would not sacrifice liberty for a paycheck. She is a disabled veteran of the US Army, a Russian linguist, a mother, a pastorโ€™s wife and a patriot. She now travels the country and teaches the Constitution and the history that gave us our founding documents. KrisAnne Hall does not just teach the Constitution, she lays the foundations that show how reliable and relevant our founding documents are today. She presents the โ€œgenealogyโ€ of the Constitutionโ€“ the 700 year history and five foundational documents that are the very Roots of American Liberty.