In an era where digital theft has eclipsed physical break-ins, seniors have become the primary target for cybercriminals. In 2022, online scams and fraud resulted in a staggering loss of over $10 billion, with a significant percentage of this figure attributed to scams aimed at the elderly. The FBI and Federal Trade Commission report that during the COVID-19 pandemic, scams targeting seniors skyrocketed by 70%.

The tragic stories of victims like Susan Monahan, Judy and Ron Attic, Steve Savage, and Esther Maestra underscore the dire need for awareness and preventive measures. These victims, all well-educated and successful individuals, fell prey to devastating online scams, losing thousands of dollars.

International criminal networks are usually behind these scams, utilizing advanced techniques, including AI voice cloning and social engineering, to defraud their victims. This makes it difficult for local law enforcement to intervene effectively.

Ethical hackers, such as Rachel Tobac, CEO of Social Proof Security, have made it their mission to educate the public about their vulnerabilities online. Simultaneously, tech companies like Aura are developing AI-powered solutions to combat scam calls and monitor finances in real-time.

This issue is both pressing and critical. It is crucial that we educate ourselves and our loved ones about these scams to safeguard our senior population.

[ATTENTION] We strongly recommend watching the embedded video to gain a deeper understanding of these online scams and to learn effective strategies to protect ourselves and the elderly in our lives.

Stay vigilant, stay safe.


Floating Vimeo Video