Category: Lifestyles

National Gardening Month: Time To Clean Your Garden — Or Start One

April is National Gardening Month, a perfect time for beginners to start with a small plot and for experienced gardeners to expand their gardens. Larry Stein, a horticulture specialist, advises planting what you like and offers tips for pruning, fertilizing, caring for roses, battling pests, and sowing warm-season annual ornamental seeds. Stein also suggests starting spring cleaning in the garden by weeding, mulching, and rejuvenating beds, while cautioning about the quality of new soil purchases to avoid introducing weeds or diseases.

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How Do Animals React To A Solar Eclipse?

As the solar eclipse approaches on April 8, scientists are eager to observe how animals will react to the sudden darkness. While some animals may exhibit changes in behavior such as increased anxiety or preparation for nighttime, others may show no noticeable response. Researchers are encouraging citizen scientists to join in observations to help broaden understanding of how wildlife reacts to these rare celestial events.

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