Category: International News

Poland Wants The US Military Presence To Be Permanent And Is Ready To Pay

Warsaw plans to host a permanent US military presence on its territory. That deployment would breach the Russia-NATO Founding Act (1997), in which NATO pledged not to seek “additional permanent stationing of substantial combat forces” inside Russia’s neighbors “in the current and foreseeable security environment.” But, Poland wants a US armored division permanently deployed on its soil and is willing to pay $2 billion to help construct the installation.

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“No Longer Reversible”: China’s Low Fertility Rate And Birth Restrictions Set Stage For Disaster

Thanks to their longstanding birth restrictions, shrinking fertility rate and exploding elderly population, China’s workforce is shrinking and the population is rapidly aging. By 2050, there will be 1.3 workers for each retiree, according to official estimates, compared with 2.8 now. “They should have lifted all birth restrictions before 2010,” says Baochang. “Whatever steps they take now, China’s low-fertility trend is no longer reversible.”

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