Category: International News

Extremely Disturbing Footage Of Deadly Mexico Pipeline Explosion Surfaces [VIDEO]

Extremely disturbing footage of the aftermath of a giant fireball that burst from an illegal gasoline pipeline tap near a small town north of Mexico City has surfaced online. In the video, people are seen throwing themselves on the grass and in water to try and extinguish the flames. The horrific incident took place as locals had gathered around a ruptured Pemex pipeline to collect the fuel that was spilling out. The company blamed the fire on thieves drilling into the pipe.

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Holland Heats Up, Belgium Burns As French Yellow Vest Protests Spread Across Europe [VIDEO]

France is now facing the possibility of martial law or greater unrest and violence. But, the discontent being seen in France is also being felt elsewhere in Europe – most notably Belgium and the Netherlands. Although receiving much less media attention, the “yellow vests” have taken to the street in Belgium over many of the same concerns as their counterparts in France.

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