Category: Agriculture

Animal Science Judging Clinics Provide Hands-On Learning And Skills To Youth

The Texas A&M University Department of Animal Science hosted a series of judging clinics, welcoming 1,600 Texas 4-H and FFA youth and families. The clinics, led by current competitive judging team members, aimed to enhance judging skills and prepare participants for upcoming contests, sparking excitement for future involvement in the programs. These hands-on learning opportunities exemplify the department’s commitment to educating and inspiring the next generation of young judgers.

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New Modeling App To Assist Farmers In Forecasting

Texas A&M AgriLife Research is developing an integrated decision support system (IDSS) to help agricultural producers forecast potential cropping conditions and economic results. Led by Dr. Raghavan Srinivasan, the team aims to provide farmers with insights on possible outcomes based on factors like weather, market prices, and production costs, helping them plan and mitigate risks. The IDSS, named ECO-HAWQS@Farm, will offer a user-friendly interface and is being tested with growers in Texas and Oregon to ensure its effectiveness in real-world farming scenarios.

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National Gardening Month: Time To Clean Your Garden — Or Start One

April is National Gardening Month, a perfect time for beginners to start with a small plot and for experienced gardeners to expand their gardens. Larry Stein, a horticulture specialist, advises planting what you like and offers tips for pruning, fertilizing, caring for roses, battling pests, and sowing warm-season annual ornamental seeds. Stein also suggests starting spring cleaning in the garden by weeding, mulching, and rejuvenating beds, while cautioning about the quality of new soil purchases to avoid introducing weeds or diseases.

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Texas Fruit Growers Cautiously Optimistic About Yields

Texas fruit growers are cautiously optimistic about this year’s crop as chill hours and other conditions appear favorable for most areas. While low-to-mid chill regions are experiencing good conditions, higher chill areas are seeing marginal chill hours, leading to concerns like “doubles” or conjoined fruits in some crops. Additionally, the looming threat of drought could impact overall fruit production in the state, especially if hot, dry weather arrives early in the season.

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