Bellville Independent School District (BISD) is set to enhance its educational offerings with a $200,000 grant from the Moody Foundation. The grant will support the development of the BISD Learner Portfolio, an online tool designed to provide comprehensive insights into students’ interests, abilities, aspirations, and progress.

BISD’s mission is to create meaningful learning experiences that empower students based on their unique gifts and interests, and the Learner Portfolio project aligns perfectly with this goal. Over the past 18 months, the district has been diligently working on the development of this valuable educational resource.

With the financial support of the Moody Foundation, alongside contributions from BISD’s Board of Trustees, local private donors, and SoftChoice, the dream of the BISD Learner Portfolio is becoming a reality. The project is expected to enter the product development and pilot implementation phase in the spring.

Come the 2024-2025 school year, students, parents, and staff members in Bellville ISD will have access to this innovative tool, allowing for a deeper understanding of each student’s educational journey. The project’s implementation will be accompanied by training to ensure its effective use.

The district expresses its gratitude to all those who have made this initiative possible and promises to share more information as the project progresses. The Moody Foundation’s generous grant is poised to make a substantial impact on the educational experience of Bellville ISD students, aligning with their commitment to fostering relevant and empowering learning experiences.




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