Water is a huge issue in our state at the current time, and has been since our state was founded. Questions have arisen about the future availability of water and will we have enough to continue our growth in the state. However, there are other issues that affect our citizens each and every day and that is the question of water quality. How good and how safe is the water that we are drinking from our wells and how can we protect our water ways such as creeks and streams.
The Horticulture Committee of Austin County will be sponsoring a Water Quality Seminar on Thursday, August 21st, at the Extension Office in Bellville. The program will begin with registration from 6:00 – 6:30 p.m., and the program begins at 6:30 p.m. and lasting until 8:30 p.m. Aubin Phillips with the HGAC will be speaking about a project dealing with Water Quality in the San Bernard River Shed. Galen Roberts, Extension Agronomist, will also be on hand to discuss a study being conducted on the Mill Creek related to water quality.
Results of the well water screening will be available at the Water Quality Seminar. Those individuals who participated in both the bacterial and mineral analysis screening will be allowed into the program at no charge. Those participating in one test or those not participating in the screening program will be charged $10.00 at the door. For anyone unable to attend the program, the results will be mailed to you. To register for the program visit our website at http://austin.agrilife.org and click on the registration tab. Or you can call the Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service office of Austin County at (979) 865-2072.