The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service will present the webinar “Ranchland Friend or Foe?” on July 6 from noon to 1 p.m. The webinar will discuss the importance of understanding different plant and animal species and the roles they play in ranchland management.

The webinar is part of an ongoing Department of Rangeland, Wildlife and Fisheries Management, RWFM, Stewardship Series.

The cost is $35, and advance registration is required at

After payment is received, a follow-up email will be sent from the event organizer with instructions on how to access the webinar.

Should they stay or should they go?

“Much of our ranch efforts involve management of plants and animals, but it can be difficult to decide which battles to pick,” said Morgan Treadwell, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension range specialist, San Angelo. Treadwell is a series co-creator, along with Brittany Chesser, AgriLife Extension aquatic vegetation program specialistBryan-College Station.

Dianne Robinson, research associate with Texas A&M AgriLife Research, is the featured speaker for July. She is the manager of the Ecology and Natural Resource Teaching Area, Bryan-College Station, and is transitioning into a policy role with the Texas A&M Natural Resources Institute

Robinson will highlight a few of the many plant and animal species on Texas ranchlands during the webinar and discuss which species are invasive and which are aggressive natives. She will also cover some of the misunderstood native species that might deserve a bit more appreciation.


Susan Himes
Susan Himes is a writer and media relations specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife. She writes news releases and features from science-based information generated by the agency. She also covers human interest stories and events across the state.
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