Month: June 2023

Brazos Athletic Booster Club Empowers High School Basketball Teams with Gun 10K Basketball Shooting Machine [VIDEO]

The Brazos Athletic Booster Club has generously donated a Gun 10K Basketball Shooting Machine to the Brazos High School Girls and Boys Basketball teams, providing them with a cutting-edge training tool to enhance their shooting skills and performance on the court. This remarkable contribution showcases the booster club’s unwavering commitment to supporting the student-athletes and fostering a culture of excellence in sports.

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Rep. Stan Kitzman Defends Impeachment Vote for AG Ken Paxton

In a detailed letter, Texas House Representative Stan Kitzman of District 85 offers a thorough explanation for his decision to vote for the impeachment of Attorney General Paxton, emphasizing the need for accountability and upholding public trust. Rep. Kitzman passionately calls on Texans to reject political manipulation and corruption, and to fight for a return to the principles of American greatness.

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