The Texas A&M AgriLife Extension Service’s twice-monthly series On the Line with AgriLife provides free under-30-minute presentations on a variety of topics important to Texas agricultural producers. The upcoming topics are Recognizing Freeze Damage on July 6 and The Importance of Water Testing on July 20.

ice covered branches of a tree
Freeze damage and water testing will be the July topics for On the Line with AgriLife. (Texas A&M AgriLife photo)

The free programs start at 8:30 a.m. and are held on the Zoom meeting platform. Advance registration is recommended at or participants may call 346-248-7799 and use meeting number 961 7017 9848 on July 6 and 928 4849 9995 on July 20 for access.

July 6 freeze webinar

The Recognizing Freeze Damage webinar will feature speaker Larry Stein, Ph.D., AgriLife Extension horticulturist, Uvalde.

“Nobody really knows what the freeze in February did to our land – this will be a great discussion on what to look for and how to assess the damage,” said AgriLife Extension agent Dakota Kempken, Bandera County.

“Learning how to recognize freeze damage from our most recent and other past freezes, Dr. Stein will walk us through the steps to assess damage and come up with the best plan of action to maintain our trees and landscapes.” 

July 20 water testing webinar

The Importance of Water Testing webinar will feature Joel Pigg, AgriLife Extension water well safety specialist, Bryan-College Station, as the guest speaker.

“I think this program is going to be really beneficial for all well owners in Texas, especially if you have never had your water tested in the past,” said Pigg.

Water well testing is essential for owners, Kempken said. A simple test can help you better understand the contents of your water and if you should make any changes to your existing water well system.

The AgriLife Extension county agents of District 10 host the On the Line webinar on the first Tuesday of every month. District 6 county agents host it on the third Tuesday of every month.

Additional information on the series can be found on the District 6 Facebook page. Videos of past topics and a schedule of upcoming ones are also available online. To receive text reminders about programs, text @OTLWA to 81010.


Susan Himes
Susan Himes is a writer and media relations specialist for Texas A&M AgriLife. She writes news releases and features from science-based information generated by the agency. She also covers human interest stories and events across the state.
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