Month: October 2016

A Handful of Cities Are Driving the Increase in Murder Rates

The FBI released new crime statistics for 2015 and they show homicides up ten percent from 2014 to 2015. Much of the media has breathlessly reported the news as if an indication of some new trend. The left is reporting it as if it’s proof of too little gun control, while the right is reporting the news as evidence of too many immigrants. But, in fact, the increase in homicides is driven by a small number of specific metropolitan areas and neighborhoods.

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Resisting the Dictatorship Mindset

When people in power convince a population that every problem requires a political solution, that population is primed for authoritarianism. In other words, the population has adopted “The Dictatorship Mindset.” While political engagement is crucial to a functioning civil society, the politicization of every facet of life will eventually crush that society.

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The Future Drone-Centric City

Much of the hype around drones is full of caveats: safety is always the first priority, and nobody quite knows the full extent of what’s possible. There’s still uncertainty about how new services will weave their way through airspace. But, Civilian Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are like the first motorized cars: they have started out as a toy but they will, with time, become normal and form the basis of a new way of living and working.

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