Proclamations and Special Recognitions.

a. Retirement Plaque – Judy Majewski

2. Petitions or Requests from the Public.
3. Consideration and possible action to authorize one-time variance from Subdivision Regulations to subdivide 1.522 acres with home from a 7.085 acres tract on Starling Lane in Precinct 1.
4. Consideration and possible action to aulhorize Pipeline Agreement by Enterprise Crude Pipeline L.L.C. for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, laying, operating, and/or repairing pipelines utilized for the transportation of liquids or gaseous materials along therigh) of ways andlor under Kersten Road located in Precinct 4.
5. Consideration and possible action to authorize Pipeline Agreement by Enterprise Crude Pipeline L.L.C. for the purpose of constructing, maintaining, laying, operating, and/or repairing pipelines utilized for the transportation of liquids or gaseous materials along the right of ways and/or under Ward Bend Road located in Precinct 4.


6. Consideration and possible action to accept proposal to repair water. damage to ceiling of Knox Library by Boettcher Hlavinka Company not to exceed $2342.43.

7. Consideration and possible action to accept proposal to repair water damage to flooring at Knox Library by Boettcher Hlavinka Company.

8. Consideration and possible action to adopt Consent Agenda Format.

9. CONSENT AGENDA – Items listed are of routine nature and may be acted on in a single motion unless requested otherwise by member of Commissioners Court.

a. Transmittal of Minutes – November 24,2014
b. Consideration and possible action to approve applications for required schooling reimbursement for V.G. Young Institute’s School for County Judge and Commissioners, to be held February 17-19, 2015 in Austin, Texas.

i. Tim Lapham
ii. Bobby Rinn
iii. Randy Reichardt
iv. Douglas King

c. Consideration and possible action to accept Emergency .Se·rviees District #1 Financial Report Fiscal Year ending September 30,2014.
d. Consideration and possible action to accept Emergency Services District #3 Financial Report Fiscal Year ending September 30,2014.
e. Consideration and possible action to approve Right-of-Way installation by San Bernard Electric Cooperative, Inc on Witte Road in Precinct 1.

10. Consideration and possible action to grant certain part-time county employees 4 hours of holiday leave for December 24 – 25, 2014.

11. Open bid proposals regarding Drug and Alcohol Testing and action. as appropriate.

12. Budgetary and Financial Claims – action as appropriate.

a. Payment of Claims
b. Budget Amendments
c. County Auditor’s review of finances
d. County Treasurer review of finances

i. Payroll & Escrow Report
ii. September 2014 Reconciled Report .

13. Written end-of-the month reports submitted by County Offices.

a. Constable, Precinct 4 – November 2014
b. County Court – October 2014
c. Justice of the Peace, Precinct 2 – November 2014
d. Texas AgriLife – October – November 2014
e. Resolution -Immaculate Conception Church, Sealy, Texas 125’h Anniversary